Sunday, June 2, 2013

The NEWS in our life

Over the last couple of months we have been experiencing a lot of new things in our life. We got a second vehicle about two months ago and I am in love with having a car to get around in when Micah is working or gone somewhere. We got this cute little Nissan Rogue! It rides great. We could not have got the car at a better time too. Not having a second vehicle was making it hard for me to find a job that would work for Micah and me to be able to share it.  


I recently just got a job; it was a bit of a change for me at first to be working again (for those of you who didn't know I haven't been working for a while). I have been looking for a job for a few months now so I was grateful when I got the call. I am working at the Katmai Child Development Center on base. I feel so blessed to have been able to find a job and one that’s not fast food! I was a little nervous at first to be responsible for children but I am loving my job so far and it’s only been a couple of weeks.  I am working in the pre-toddler room; those kiddos are a lot of fun. They keep you busy too. I haven't been assigned an age group yet but I'm really hoping I'll get to stay with the little ones I'm in with now!  The Lord has blessed us so much over the past couple of months and I am so grateful!

After debating on whether or not I should cut my hair well…I did it! People were telling me to leave it and just as many were telling me to cut it so Micah decided for me.  


As many of you know Micah was in Texas for a few weeks. It was a long three and a half weeks but we made it through. While Micah was away Buster and I got up close and personally with a MOOSE! I was taking Buster outside to do his business and all these dogs started barking at their windows. I looked up and there was a moose standing about 15 feet away from us. I had to drag Buster inside but that didn’t keep him from running from room to room barking and growling. Our little dog thinks he’s such a big beast.

I posted a few months ago about how I am working to lose weight. I am down ten pounds! I have only been able to count my calories due to an injuring with my ankle that is taking much longer to heal then it should. Dieting is not easy but it does pay off if you stick to it. Hang in there with, you can do it!

Happy June everybody:) 

1 comment:

  1. Your story about Buster's reaction to the moose made me laugh! I'm glad you guys are doing well. :) I think your haircut is super cute!!! Good job on loosing the 10 pounds! That's awesome!! :)
